
Looking for private health insurance in Germany? Here's what you need to know!


Germans are very proud of their healthcare system, and for good reason - it’s one of the best in the world! But with so many different types of health insurance, how do you know which one to choose? And what about healthcare in Germany vs. insurance in Germany - what’s the difference? And once you’ve chosen your German health insurance plan, what do you need to know to ensure you get the coverage you need? Don’t worry, we have all the answers right here!

Looking for private health insurance in Germany? Here's what you need to know!

What is private health insurance?

Private health insurance helps cover healthcare costs. If you're visiting or moving to Germany, it can be a good idea to take out private medical cover if you want quick access to medical treatment. Here’s a breakdown of how German healthcare works and why it might be worth your while getting insured.

Why have private health insurance?

When travelling to Germany, it is usually required that visitors have some form of health insurance. This can be difficult and expensive for people who are not German citizens or residents, as many public plans don’t cover non-residents. Private plans can be expensive, but are definitely worth considering. 

A good plan will allow you to see a doctor without having to wait, pay less than 100 euros per month and get reimbursed for visits outside of Germany (up to 50%!). If your employer doesn't offer a private plan, look into getting one on your own—you may be surprised at how affordable they are!

Where can I get the best deals on my private health insurance in Germany?

This is a common question that many expats ask when they first arrive in Germany. After all, with everything else that has to be done upon arrival, researching different providers and plans can easily slip down on your priority list. However, it’s important not only to get your ducks in a row when it comes to obtaining German healthcare coverage but also when looking at potential private health insurances deals...

What does it cover exactly?

A German national social insurance plan that provides all Germans with universal healthcare coverage known as Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung or GKV. All Germans must join one of these government-sponsored health plans. Health insurance benefits are provided through a combination of employer and individual contributions.

How much will it cost me?

Private healthcare is notoriously expensive, with costs regularly exceeding 5,000 euros per month. But how much do you actually pay and what are your options? We’ve put together a handy infographic that explains everything. It’s important to remember that German citizens receive state-funded healthcare as standard, so it’s not always necessary to take out a private policy.

How do I apply and renew my private health insurance policy online?

German healthcare is financed by taxes, and a key component of that tax scheme is mandatory private health insurance. In order to register your policy, all you have to do is visit your insurer’s website and input your policy number (which will be provided by an agent) into their online application. Then simply follow their prompts until it’s time to submit a payment method.

German Language Health Insurance Terms And Abbreviations Explained

A detailed list of German terms and abbreviations related to healthcare. This guide aims to give newcomers a better understanding of how German healthcare works and what they can expect if they choose a private health insurance plan.


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